The 9 Craziest Tweets From Arrested Terrorist Sympathizer, Anjem Choudary

Meet Anjem Choudary, the former head of the now banned Islamist group Al-Muhajroun or Islam4UK. The BBC reports that Choudary was recently arrested along with eight other men in London on “suspicion of being members of a banned organization.”

While Choudary has consistently denied allegations that he is an active supporter of acts of terrorism, tweets from his popular Twitter page seem to show otherwise.

Listed below are just a few of the tweets put out by the self proclaimed supporter of sharia.

For those who are not aware, kafir is a pejorative term used to describe those who do not believe in Islam. Apparently showing basic respect to people who believe differently than you makes you a heretic.

Here is a flyer for a talk Choudary hosted arguing that Muslims should not even interact with non-Muslims.

kuffar islam

A man of peace, Choudary explores the possibility of trading judges and police officers for the captured British journalist Alan Henning.

According to Choudary, when Jesus comes back, he will be waging war against Christians. Makes sense.

At least he isn’t a communist.

Tell that to the ISIS child brides.

Finally, last but not least, here is the craziest tweet from terrorist sympathizer Anjem Choudary.


Thanks for sharing!