Radical Founder Of Electronic Intifada Invited To Speak At Evanston Public Library… Again.

Ali Abunamah

Your public dollars at work:

Evanston Public Library officials today re-issued a speaking invitation to a Palestinian writer after their earlier decision to call off his talk sparked an angry response on social media.

On Saturday, the library said in a Twitter post that Ali Abunimah’s event would be postponed and that  “with this complex issue, we now plan to schedule more speakers on other dates, too.” [MORE…]

The controversy stems from Ali Abunamah’s role as founder of the radical Electronic Intifada, and his book advocating for a 1 state solution to the Jihad against the Jewish State. The library director thought it would only be fair to represent more than one point of view on this volatile subject.

The library released this statement when they cancelled the event:

But Library Director Karen Danczak Lyons reportedly ordered the library staffer who had scheduled the presentation to cancel it because no balancing speech from an advocate for Israel had yet been scheduled. [MORE…]

Ali’s radical views against the lone Jewish state make him a darling on the Left and they rushed to his aid, successfully reversing the previous decision to disinvite him.

UPDATELate this afternoon, Evanston Library director Karen Danczak Lyons reported that she’d just spoken with Ali Abunimah by phone and that “we’re back on track.”  [MORE…]

Maybe the library was worried Arabs would tunnel under the library for a sneak attack against the Jews of Evanston on Rosh Hashanah.


Thanks for sharing!