Breaking News: Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) Resigns from the U.S. Senate

Guest Post by Mike LaRoche

This morning, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), Tea Party leader and one of the staunchest conservatives on Capitol Hill, announced his resignation from the United States Senate, stating that he would assume the presidency of the Heritage Foundation effective January 1, 2013.

From the Associated Press:

The 61-year-old Republican was first elected to the Senate in 2004. He previously served in the U.S. House for three terms.

“I’m leaving the Senate now, but I’m not leaving the fight. I’ve decided to join The Heritage Foundation at a time when the conservative movement needs strong leadership in the battle of ideas,” DeMint’s statement said. His office said DeMint was too busy to come to the phone.

Republican Gov. Nikki Haley gets to appoint his successor to the Senate. She gave no immediate indication who she might choose, or whether she would appoint herself. Haley spokesman Rob Godfrey says the attention should be on DeMint.

DeMint’s successor will face a special election to retain his or her seat in November 2014.  I wish DeMint all the best in his new position at the Heritage Foundation, but his departure is a great loss to conservatives in Congress.


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